Years ago, when looking for land to build on in Queenstown, I thought it would be great to live on the lake. It was a later decision to buy land in the country.
If I hadn’t bought in the country it’s unlikely my daughters would have found what appears to be their absolute passion, riding ponies.
Meeting your twin soul, making a lifelong friend, picking a rewarding career path… all of these things have a huge component of luck.
Perhaps, being aware of the importance of luck, we can be better attuned to spot it and act upon it.
Because luck needs help.
A while ago we were at a horse show. Zara and I walked the course, and I read the jump off and told Zara what it was.
Observing many people and many businesses over time, I’ve observed two factors within your control that lead to much great returns.
Every morning, I meditate with Ernie resting his head on my lap. It’s a special time.
We should eat more leafy greens, go plant based, eat fish not red meat, don’t eat dairy…